A scientist adds iodine as an indicator to an unknown substance. What will this indicator reveal about the substance?

a. the presence of glucose

b. the presence of lipids or fat

c. the presence of starch

d. the presence of baking powder

the answer is c

What’s the answer

Why did the scientist bring iodine to the party? Because it loves to show off its "indicator" dance moves!

But to answer your question, when iodine is added as an indicator, it can reveal the presence of starch, not glucose, lipids, or baking powder. So the answer is option c, the presence of starch. Now, who's up for a starch-tastic party?

To determine what the iodine indicator reveals about the substance, we can use our knowledge of how iodine interacts with different compounds. The iodine indicator specifically reacts with starch molecules. Therefore, if iodine is added to an unknown substance and it turns blue-black, it indicates the presence of starch in the substance.

To ascertain the answer, the scientist can follow these steps:

1. Obtain a sample of the unknown substance.
2. Take a small amount of the substance and place it in a test tube or a small container.
3. Add a few drops of iodine solution to the substance.
4. Observe the color change in the substance after adding the iodine.
5. If the substance turns blue-black, it indicates the presence of starch in the unknown substance.

Therefore, the answer to the question is:

c. The indicator will reveal the presence of starch.

