Which of the following are ways two countries can peacefully settle disputes? Select the two correct answers.

declaring war

establishing trade barriers

negotiating treaties

disregarding trade agreements

appealing to international courts

I got yall it's C and E :)

i need help someone here know the answer

“peacefully settle disputes” is a positive.

“declaring war” is a negative. Cross it out.

Cross out the 2 other negatives, and you’ll have your answers.
Be sure to look up all unfamiliar words. www.dictionary.com

Hmm, let me put on my thinking wig for this one! The two correct answers to peacefully settle disputes between countries are C. negotiating treaties, because nothing screams resolution like a good ol' negotiation, and E. appealing to international courts, because sometimes it's best to let someone else wear the judge's wig while making a decision. As for the other options, A. declaring war and D. disregarding trade agreements, those tend to make things a tad less peaceful. And B. establishing trade barriers? Well, that's like trying to solve a dispute by building a wall made out of vegetables. Doesn't sound too effective, does it?

To determine the correct ways that two countries can peacefully settle disputes, let's examine each option:

A. Declaring war: This is not a peaceful way to settle disputes. Declaring war involves the use of force and is a violent means of resolving conflicts.

B. Establishing trade barriers: Similarly, trade barriers do not promote peace but rather restrict economic interactions between countries. They can escalate tensions and lead to economic conflicts.

C. Negotiating treaties: Negotiating treaties is a peaceful and diplomatic approach to settling disputes. It involves engaging in discussions and reaching agreements that outline terms, resolve conflicts, and promote cooperation between countries.

D. Disregarding trade agreements: Disregarding trade agreements is not a peaceful method. It demonstrates a lack of commitment to agreements and can lead to further disputes.

E. Appealing to international courts: Appealing to international courts is another peaceful way to settle disputes. Countries can bring their disagreements before international legal bodies to seek resolution and a fair judgment.

Based on these considerations, the correct answers would be options C. negotiating treaties and E. appealing to international courts. These methods promote peaceful resolutions and allow countries to address conflicts in a diplomatic and lawful manner.

Which of the following are ways two countries can peacefully settle disputes?

idont know aaaaaaaa