Using what you know about Greek and Latin roots, what does the word automobile mean?(1 point)

easily moved

easily controlled

moves by itself

controlled by others

Affixes and Roots Quick Check

auto = self

mobi/movi = move

what is the answer?

It's c. It moves by itself

is it correct

To determine the meaning of the word "automobile" using Greek and Latin roots, we can break it down into two parts: "auto-" and "-mobile."

The root "auto-" comes from the Greek word "autos," which means "self" or "own." So, with this information, we can infer that the word "automobile" has something to do with being self-operated or self-controlled.

The second part of the word, "-mobile," is derived from the Latin word "mobilis," which means "movable" or "able to move." This helps us understand that the word "automobile" is related to something that is capable of moving.

Putting the roots together, "automobile" can be defined as "moves by itself" or "self-moving."

Therefore, the correct answer is "moves by itself."