Moving from the element with atomic number 10 to atomic number 11 on the periodic table, there is a change in reactivity. In three to five sentences, identify the direction of the change, and give two reasons for the change.

Seger you know we wouldn't remember this anyways, nobody cares about this, we are just pressured to get good grades by our parents so we have to pretend to care. Let people who need help and aren't getting it from their teachers get some assistance on stuff they are struggling with.

My answer:

Neon (Ne) has an atomic number of 10, and sodium (Na) has an atomic number of 11. Neon has its outside shell full of electrons; therefore, it does not react with other elements. Sodium has 1 more proton and 1 more electron. That added electron is in the outside shell, making it a valence electron. It can fill that shell by losing the one electron which makes Na a very reactive element while Ne is not reactive.

Here is a start.

Ne has its outside shell full of electrons; therefore, its reaction with other elements is minimal if at all. Na, the next element, has 1 more proton and 1 more electron. More importantly that added electron is in the outside shell. It can fill that shell by ADDing 7 more electrons or LOSing the one electron. Obviously, it loses the one electron and it does so with gusto which makes Na a very reaction element while Ne is not reactive at all. Now follow oobleck's instructions, add what you read to what I've written,then summarize all of it in your own words.

So today I got a whole test wrong because my teacher thought I cheated on here. Even though there is no tie between the answers. He can go suck a chicken strip #rude

I’m taking the same test right now and I don’t normally use this site unless I’m really stuck, thank you Drbob222 and oobleck for helping!!!!

Segar - maybe teach your class better so we don't need to help each other outside of your class. Go play somewhere else where you are actually wanted.

first, consider the two elements: Neon and Sodium.

now read about their characteristics.

Demonic sin . was it right ?

Thank for the help

I'm about to have Mrs. Seger's name revert back to Ms. Seger, If you know what I mean