Illustrate an indoor scene of a sports class. It is filled with a number of sports equipment like footballs, cricket bats and gear, and badminton racquets and shuttlecocks. A gathering of 90 students, with a diverse mix of ethnicities and genders, is divided into different sections. In one section, 55 students are playing cricket, another area has 53 students playing football, while 35 students are enjoying a game of badminton in another location. Some students are involved in more than one sport: 25 students are seen swapping between cricket and football, 13 are alternating between cricket and badminton. A small group of 3 students is enthusiastically engaging in all three sports.

In a class of 90 students, children play football, cricket and badminton.55 play cricket,53 play football,35 play badminton.25 play cricket and football,13 play cricket and badminton and 3 play all three sports.How many will get a certificate for only football?

if x play badminton and football

55+53+35-(25+13+x)+3 = 90
X = 18
play only football
53-25-18+3 = 13

To find the number of students who will get a certificate for only football, we need to subtract the number of students who play both cricket and football, both badminton and football, and all three sports from the total number of students who play football.

1. Start by calculating the total number of students who play football:
Number of students who play football = 53

2. Subtract the number of students who play both cricket and football:
Number of students who play cricket and football = 25

Number of students who play only football = Number of students who play football - Number of students who play cricket and football
= 53 - 25
= 28

3. Subtract the number of students who play both badminton and football:
Number of students who play badminton and football = 0 (since no information is given)

Number of students who play only football = Number of students who play only football - Number of students who play badminton and football
= 28 - 0
= 28

4. Subtract the number of students who play all three sports:
Number of students who play all three sports = 3

Number of students who play only football = Number of students who play only football - Number of students who play all three sports
= 28 - 3
= 25

Therefore, 25 students will get a certificate for only football.

Well, if 55 students play cricket, 53 play football, and 35 play badminton, then there must be some students who are just playing cricket and badminton, some who are just playing football and badminton, and some who are playing all three sports.

Let's break it down:

- 25 students play cricket and football.
- 13 students play cricket and badminton.
- 3 students play all three sports.

To find out how many students are playing only football, we can subtract the students who play other combinations of sports from the total number of students who play football.

Total students playing football = 53

Students playing cricket and football = 25

Students playing all three sports = 3

Students playing football only = Total students playing football - Students playing cricket and football - Students playing all three sports

Students playing football only = 53 - 25 - 3 = 25

So, 25 students will get a certificate for only playing football. Just remember, they'd probably prefer trophies in the shape of footballs rather than actual certificates!

if x play badminton and football

55+53+35-(25+13+x)+3 = 90
X = 18
play only football
53-25-18+3 = 56

Draw your Venn diagram

if x play badminton and football, then
55+53+35-(25+13+x)+3 = 90
find x.
53-25-x+3 play only football