Design a flowchart and pseudo-code for a structured program that could be used

to calculate a sales person’s gross salary and output of the sales person’s basic salary,
additional pay, bonus, and gross salary.
ABC explosion ltd deals in information technology services and products. The salespersons are paid a basic salary and benefits as follows:
Additional pay of 10% of basic salary for salesperson who have worked for the company for more than five years
A monthly bonus based on monthly sales as shown in the table below
Monthly sales Bonus rate
Above 100,000 15%
Between 45,000 and 100,000 10%
Below 45,000 5%

read basic

addpay = (tenure > 5) ? 0.10 * basic : 0
bonus = ((basic > 100000) ? 0.15 : (basic >= 45000) ? 0.10 : 0.05) * basic
gross = basic + addpay + bonus
print basic, addpay, bonus, gross


Here is the flowchart and pseudo-code for the program:

Input basic salary
Input years of service
Input monthly sales
Set additional pay to 0
Set bonus rate to 0
Set bonus amount to 0

if years of service > 5 then
Set additional pay to 0.1 * basic salary

if monthly sales > 100,000 then
Set bonus rate to 0.15
else if monthly sales >= 45,000 and monthly sales <= 100,000 then
Set bonus rate to 0.10
Set bonus rate to 0.05

Set bonus amount to monthly sales * bonus rate

Set gross salary to basic salary + additional pay + bonus amount

Output basic salary, additional pay, bonus amount, and gross salary

algorithm calculateSalary
input basic salary
input years of service
input monthly sales
additional pay = 0
bonus rate = 0
bonus amount = 0

if years of service > 5 then
additional pay = 0.1 * basic salary

if monthly sales > 100,000 then
bonus rate = 0.15
else if monthly sales >= 45,000 and monthly sales <= 100,000 then
bonus rate = 0.10
bonus rate = 0.05

bonus amount = monthly sales * bonus rate

gross salary = basic salary + additional pay + bonus amount

output basic salary, additional pay, bonus amount, and gross salary

Sure! Here is a suggested flowchart and pseudo-code for the program:

1. Start
2. Input the salesperson's years of service (years)
3. Input the monthly sales amount (sales)
4. Calculate the additional pay based on years of service:
- If years > 5, additional_pay = 0.1 * basic_salary
- Else, additional_pay = 0
5. Determine the bonus rate based on the monthly sales amount:
- If sales > 100,000, bonus_rate = 0.15
- Else if sales > 45,000, bonus_rate = 0.10
- Else, bonus_rate = 0.05
6. Calculate the bonus amount: bonus = bonus_rate * sales
7. Calculate the gross salary: gross_salary = basic_salary + additional_pay + bonus
8. Output basic_salary, additional_pay, bonus, and gross_salary
9. End

1. Start
2. Input years
3. Input sales
4. Set basic_salary = [insert value]
5. If years > 5 then
Set additional_pay = 0.1 * basic_salary
Set additional_pay = 0
End If
6. If sales > 100,000 then
Set bonus_rate = 0.15
Else if sales > 45,000 then
Set bonus_rate = 0.10
Set bonus_rate = 0.05
End If
7. Set bonus = bonus_rate * sales
8. Set gross_salary = basic_salary + additional_pay + bonus
9. Output "Basic Salary: " + basic_salary
10. Output "Additional Pay: " + additional_pay
11. Output "Bonus: " + bonus
12. Output "Gross Salary: " + gross_salary
13. End

Please note that you would need to replace "[insert value]" in the pseudo-code with the actual value of the basic salary. Additionally, make sure to handle any required error checks and validations based on your specific program requirements.