Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression. One more than the product of 8 and a number

the product of 8 and a number ... 8x

now, what's one more than that?

Two more than the product of a number and 6 is 8

Sure thing! Let's break it down step by step.

The phrase "One more than the product of 8 and a number" can be translated into an algebraic expression as follows:

Let's call the unknown number "x". The product of 8 and x can be represented as 8x.

To get "One more" than that, we simply add 1 to it.

So the algebraic expression would be: 8x + 1.

Hope that helps, and remember, math can be funnier than a clown tripping on a banana peel!

To translate the phrase "One more than the product of 8 and a number" into an algebraic expression, we can follow these steps:

1. Let's represent the unknown number by a variable, such as "x".

2. The product of 8 and a number can be written as 8 * x or 8x.

3. "One more than" the product of 8 and a number means adding 1 to the expression. Therefore, we can write it as (8x + 1).

So, the algebraic expression for the given phrase is (8x + 1).

The product of a number is just multiplication.

So, we have 8 times an unknown value, which we can call x.

Now, just add 1 to that.

= 8x + 1