There are 80 students in a class. If 65 students studied mathematics and 49 studied English language while a student did neither of the two subject

(1).How many students studied both suby
(2). How many studied mathematics only

How did we get 79

How did we get 79

How many studen study mathematics only

To solve this problem, we can use the principle of inclusion and exclusion, along with some basic arithmetic.

Let's break down the given information:
- Total number of students in the class: 80
- Number of students who studied mathematics: 65
- Number of students who studied English: 49
- Number of students who studied neither mathematics nor English: 1

To find the number of students who studied both subjects, we can subtract the number of students who studied neither subject from the total number of students:
Total - Neither = Both
80 - 1 = Both
Both = 79

Therefore, the number of students who studied both subjects is 79.

Now, to find the number of students who studied only mathematics, we need to subtract the number of students who studied both subjects from the number of students who studied mathematics:
Mathematics - Both = Only Mathematics
65 - 79 = Only Mathematics

Since the result is negative, it means that there are no students who studied mathematics only.

Therefore, the answer to the question is:

(1) The number of students who studied both subjects is 79.
(2) There are no students who studied mathematics only.

79 students after we remove the student who did neither.

65+49 = 114 subtract 79 to get 35 so 35 must have done both
so with a Venn Diagram you would have 30 students in math only and 14 students in English only with 35 in the overlap. These numbers should add up to 79 plus the 1 outside the universe gets us to 80.