Raju read 32 pages from a book containing 150 pages. Prachi read (2/5) part of the same book. Prachi read more pages but how many???

Prachi read :

2 / 5 ∙ 150 = 300 / 50 = 60

60 - 32 = 28

To find out how many pages Prachi read, we need to calculate (2/5) of the total number of pages in the book.

First, we need to find the fraction of the book that Prachi has read: (2/5).

Then, we multiply this fraction by the total number of pages in the book to get the number of pages Prachi has read.

Let's calculate it:
(2/5) * 150 = (2 * 150) / 5 = 300 / 5 = 60.

Therefore, Prachi read 60 pages of the book.

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