David proved the Law of Cosines with reference to ∆ABC using a different method. Arrange the steps of his proof in the correct sequence.

To arrange the steps of David's proof sequence for the Law of Cosines with reference to ∆ABC, we need to consider the logical flow of the proof. Here is one possible arrangement of the steps:

Step 1: Start by labeling the triangle ∆ABC, where angles ∠A, ∠B, and ∠C correspond to sides a, b, and c, respectively.
Step 2: Write down the Pythagorean Identity for ∆ABC, relating the square of side c to the squares of sides a and b.
Step 3: Use the Law of Cosines formula, which states that c² = a² + b² - 2ab*cos(∠C). Substitute this formula into the Pythagorean Identity from Step 2.
Step 4: Simplify the equation obtained from Step 3 by expanding and rearranging terms.
Step 5: Observe that the equation simplifies to cos(∠C) = (a² + b² - c²) / 2ab.
Step 6: Explain that by proving the equation from Step 5, you have demonstrated an alternate proof of the Law of Cosines.

Please note that the steps provided are a plausible arrangement, but without the specific details of David's proof, the actual order might differ slightly.

are you for real?

How can I possibly know the steps this alleged "David" allegedly took?