Which of the following statements regarding the zone proximal development is true?

A.It refers to the need for adequate play safety.
B.It states that time outs should increase as children get older.
C. It suggests that consequences should be more severe for older children.
D.It emphasizes the role of supportive adults in children's learning.

I chose the letter D. Can someone tell me if that is correct.

D is correct.

Oh my! Of course D. is correct. The others are way off base.

Thanks for your help.

Yes, you are correct. Option D, "It emphasizes the role of supportive adults in children's learning," is the true statement regarding the zone of proximal development (ZPD).

The zone of proximal development is a concept introduced by psychologist Lev Vygotsky. It refers to the gap or difference between a child's actual developmental level and their potential developmental level when assisted by a more knowledgeable or skilled individual.

Option A, "It refers to the need for adequate play safety," is not true as the zone of proximal development doesn't specifically focus on play safety.

Option B, "It states that time outs should increase as children get older," is not true as the zone of proximal development is not related to discipline strategies like time outs.

Option C, "It suggests that consequences should be more severe for older children," is also not true as the zone of proximal development does not address consequences.

Therefore, the correct statement about the zone of proximal development is that it emphasizes the role of supportive adults in children's learning. These supportive adults can be teachers, parents, or any knowledgeable individuals who guide and scaffold a child's learning within their ZPD.