a t-shirt uses 1 1/4 yard of fabric per shirt. you have 20 yards of fabric. how many shirts can you make?

I got 16 teacher said 25.

please help

1 1/4 = 5/4

20 / (5/4) = 16

20 * 5/4 = 25

the answer to your posted question is 16
... is the wording correct?

not sure what is happening...

16 is the correct answer.

To obtain 25 you would have to multiply 20 by 1 1/4, which is the incorrect operation, you need 20 ÷ 1 1/4

To find out how many shirts you can make, divide the total amount of fabric you have by the amount of fabric needed for each shirt.

First, let's convert the mixed fraction 1 1/4 into an improper fraction.

1 1/4 = (4 * 1 + 1) / 4 = 5/4

Now we can calculate how many shirts you can make:

Number of shirts = Total fabric / Fabric per shirt
= 20 yards / (5/4) yard
= 20 yards * (4/5 yard)
= 16 shirts

Therefore, you can make 16 shirts using 20 yards of fabric.