True or False

Much of what we know of Old Kingdom, Egypt and the accomplishments of the pharaohs, in particular comes from funerary texts


True. Much of what we know about the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the accomplishments of the pharaohs comes from funerary texts. To find the answer to this question, you can start by researching the sources and evidence that historians and archaeologists have used to learn about the Old Kingdom of Egypt. By studying these sources, you will find that a significant amount of information about the time period and the pharaohs has been gleaned from funerary texts, such as the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts. These texts were inscribed on the walls of tombs and coffins and contain detailed information about religious beliefs, rituals, and important events during the reign of the pharaohs. Through the analysis of these texts, researchers have been able to gather valuable insights about the life, culture, and achievements of the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom.