A salesman allows a discount of 125% for each payment calculate the actual amount the salesman pay for an article with a marked price of #950.

Well, if the salesman is giving a discount of 125%, then technically, he would be paying you to take the item! However, since that doesn't make much sense, I'm going to assume you meant a discount of 25%.

So, if the marked price of the article is #950 and the salesman gives a discount of 25%, the actual amount the salesman would pay for the article would be 75% of #950.

To calculate that, you can multiply #950 by 0.75 (which is 75% written as a decimal):

#950 * 0.75 = #712.50

Therefore, the actual amount the salesman would pay for the article is #712.50. But hey, if he really wants to give a discount of 125%, tell him to sign me up too!

Help me solve this question

To calculate the actual amount the salesman pays for the article, we need to find the discounted amount after applying a discount of 125% to the marked price of #950.

Step 1: Convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
125% ÷ 100 = 1.25

Step 2: Calculate the discounted amount by subtracting the product of the marked price and the discount percentage from the marked price.
Discounted amount = Marked price - (Marked price * Discount percentage)
Discounted amount = #950 - (#950 * 1.25)

Step 3: Evaluate the expression to find the discounted amount.
Discounted amount = #950 - (#950 * 1.25)
Discounted amount = #950 - #1187.50
Discounted amount = #-237.50

The calculated discounted amount is #-237.50. However, this seems strange because it implies that the salesman is paying a negative amount for the article, which is not possible. It appears that the discount percentage of 125% is incorrect or maybe there was a typo in the question. Please double-check the discount percentage and try again.

You are not smart

This makes no sense to me, a discount of 100% would reduce the price to zero, so what would a discount of 125% do ?????