Draw a “more than type “ cumulative frequency curve for the following distribution and hence find median:

Class Interval
100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400
49 62 33 39 45 40

Kindly reply asap anyone ....

To draw a "more than type" cumulative frequency curve, you will need to first calculate the cumulative frequency for each class interval. The cumulative frequency represents the total frequency up to and including each class interval.

To calculate the cumulative frequency, you start with the first class interval and add the frequency value. Then, you add the frequency of the next class interval to the previous cumulative frequency, and so on. Here is how you can calculate the cumulative frequency:

Class Interval | Frequency | Cumulative Frequency
100-150 | 49 | 49
150-200 | 62 | 49 + 62 = 111
200-250 | 33 | 111 + 33 = 144
250-300 | 39 | 144 + 39 = 183
300-350 | 45 | 183 + 45 = 228
350-400 | 40 | 228 + 40 = 268

Now, to draw the cumulative frequency curve, you plot the class interval on the x-axis and the cumulative frequency on the y-axis. The points should be joined continuously to form a curve. The last point should be joined to the y-axis at the frequency value of the last class interval.

Once the cumulative frequency curve is drawn, you can find the median by locating the point where the curve intersects the line corresponding to half of the total frequency. In this case, the total frequency is 268, so half of the total frequency is 268/2 = 134.

By inspecting the cumulative frequency curve, you can see that the point (between 150-200 and 200-250) represents the median value. So the median for this distribution is 200.

Remember to label the axes and the plotted points on the graph clearly for better understanding.