Here I join the two sentences with in spite of. Whether is it correct or not? if not please join with in spite of and explain.

The reviews were very bad. The film was still a box-office success.

Inspite of bad reviews, the film was still a box-office success.

sounds correct to me

You can also say - The film was a box-office success inspite of bad reviews.

Yes, you've joined the two sentences correctly using "in spite of."

"In spite of" is used to show contrast or opposition between two things. In this case, the bad reviews and the film's box-office success are being contrasted. By joining the sentences using "in spite of," you are expressing that despite the negative reviews, the film still managed to be a box-office success.

Yes, you have correctly joined the two sentences using "in spite of."

To join the two sentences using "in spite of," you first need to identify the contrasting elements in the original sentences. In this case, the contrast is between the bad reviews and the film's box-office success.

Next, you can use the phrase "in spite of" to indicate the contrast between the two statements.

Therefore, by combining the sentences, it becomes: "In spite of the bad reviews, the film was still a box-office success."