Jake had $40 more than Vick at first. Jake gave 70% to Vick. Jake now had 20% as much as Vick. How much money did Jake have at first?

They are all the same, anyway....

Vick --- x
Jake --- x+40

after the gifting:
Vick --- x+70
Jake --- x+40 - 70 = x - 30

x-30 = .2(x+70)

solve for x, then sub into x+40

Is the answer 55?

Wait I know the answer. It is 95

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's assume that Jake's initial amount of money is represented by "x" dollars.
So, his initial amount is x dollars.

2. According to the problem, Jake had $40 more than Vick at first.
This means Vick's initial amount of money is (x - $40) dollars.
Vick had x - $40 dollars.

3. The problem states that Jake gave 70% of his money to Vick.
So, Jake gave away 70/100 * x dollars to Vick, which is 0.7x dollars.
After giving this amount to Vick, Jake is left with (x - 0.7x) dollars.

4. The problem further mentions that now Jake has 20% as much money as Vick has.
This means that Jake's remaining money (x - 0.7x) dollars is 20% of Vick's money (x - $40) dollars.
Mathematically, we can represent this as: 0.2(x - $40) = (x - 0.7x)

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents Jake's initial amount of money.

Let's solve the equation:

0.2(x - $40) = (x - 0.7x)

0.2x - 0.2($40) = x - 0.7x

0.2x - $8 = 0.3x

0.3x - 0.2x = $8

0.1x = $8

x = $8 / 0.1

x = $80

Therefore, Jake had $80 at first.

It’s actually

Jake had $40 more than Vick at first. Jake gave $70 to Vick. Jake now had 20% as much as Vick. How much money did Jake have at first?

It’s actually

Jake had $40 more than Vick at first. Jake gave $70 to Vick. Jake now had 20% as much as Vick. How much money did Jake have at first?