a food company reduced the amount of salt in one of their food products 700 milligrams to 630 milligrams . what is the percent decrease in the amount of slat in this food product ?

change = 700-630 = 70

Percentage of change = 70/700 = 0.1 = 10%

decrease of 10%

Well, that company sure knows how to shake things up! The decrease in the amount of salt is 70 milligrams, which is quite salty! To find the percent decrease, we need to divide the decrease (70 milligrams) by the original amount (700 milligrams) and then multiply by 100.

Let me crunch the numbers for you: (70/700) * 100 = 10%. So, there you have it, the amount of salt in this food product has been reduced by a savory 10%! Just enough to add a pinch of healthiness while keeping the flavor.

To find the percent decrease in the amount of salt in the food product, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the decrease in salt amount.
Decrease = Initial amount - Final amount
Decrease = 700 mg - 630 mg
Decrease = 70 mg

Step 2: Calculate the percent decrease.
Percent Decrease = (Decrease / Initial amount) * 100
Percent Decrease = (70 mg / 700 mg) * 100
Percent Decrease = 10%

Therefore, the percent decrease in the amount of salt in this food product is 10%.

To calculate the percent decrease in the amount of salt in the food product, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the change in the salt amount. Subtract the new amount from the original amount: 700 mg - 630 mg = 70 mg.

Step 2: Determine the percent decrease by dividing the change by the original amount and multiplying by 100: (70 mg / 700 mg) * 100 = 10%.

Therefore, there is a 10% decrease in the amount of salt in this food product.

A food company reduced the amount of salt in one of their food products from 700 milligrams to 630 milligrams. What is the percent decrease in the amount of salt in this food product?