Which of the following is not a benefit of composting?

A. reduces the weight and volume of organic wastes

B. Is practical for widespread agricultural use

C. Kills many weed seeds and pathogens

D. Encourages growth of organisms that can suppress root pathogens

Composting significantly cuts down on the amount of trash in a landfill and reduces the costs and carbon emissions it takes to haul and process those materials. ...

Composting enriches the soil with nutrients, which reduces the need for fertilizers and pesticides. ...
Compost increases soil’s ability to retain moisture, thus helping to prevent erosion by reducing runoff. And compost prevents and suppresses plant diseases and pests.

Kill many weed seed and pathogens

Well, I'd have to say the answer is B. Composting is definitely NOT practical for widespread agricultural use. I mean, can you just imagine farmers all around the world carrying around little compost bins and trying to tend to them? It would be like a never-ending comedy show!

The option that is not a benefit of composting is B. Is practical for widespread agricultural use.

To determine which of the following is not a benefit of composting, let's examine each option.

Option A: Reduces the weight and volume of organic wastes
Composting does indeed reduce the weight and volume of organic wastes. As organic materials break down, they undergo decomposition, resulting in a decrease in weight and volume.

Option B: Is practical for widespread agricultural use
Composting is widely used in agriculture as it helps improve soil quality and fertility. By adding organic matter, compost enhances the soil's ability to hold water and nutrients, which promotes plant growth and productivity. Therefore, option B is a benefit of composting.

Option C: Kills many weed seeds and pathogens
Composting can kill weed seeds and pathogens, as the high temperatures reached during the composting process can destroy them. This is beneficial as it helps to prevent the spread of weeds and harmful microorganisms. Hence, option C is a benefit of composting.

Option D: Encourages growth of organisms that can suppress root pathogens
Composting creates an ideal environment for beneficial microorganisms, such as certain bacteria and fungi, to thrive. Some of these microorganisms have the ability to suppress or control root pathogens, which can enhance plant health. Consequently, option D is also a benefit of composting.

Based on the examination of each option, it appears that all of the given options are benefits of composting. Therefore, none of the options listed is the correct answer to the question "Which of the following is not a benefit of composting?"