What would be a likely environmental impact of a future technological innovation that reduced greenhouse gases?

reducing volcanic eruptions

increasing sea levels

increasing coral bleaching

· slowing climate change

lol sorry wrong awnser for this question its slowing climate change

what is the answer

The correct answer is D. Slowing climate change. A technological innovation that reduces greenhouse gases would help slow down the process of climate change by reducing the amount of heat trapped in the Earth's atmosphere, which would affect the environment positively.

Well, if we have a technological innovation that reduces greenhouse gases, the environmental impact would likely be a decrease in the speed of climate change. So, option D. Think of it as hitting the brakes on the runaway climate train. Hopefully, this innovation doesn't slow down too much, or else we might end up with a stationary train!

The likely environmental impact of a future technological innovation that reduces greenhouse gases would be slowing climate change. To understand why, we need to explore the relationship between greenhouse gases and climate change.

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect, in turn, leads to global warming, climate change, and related environmental impacts.

When a technological innovation reduces greenhouse gases, it means that there are fewer of these gases being released into the atmosphere. This decrease in greenhouse gases can result from various methods, such as using renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, or implementing carbon capture and storage technologies.

By reducing greenhouse gases, the technological innovation helps to slow down climate change. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns and average temperatures, resulting in various effects like rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and shifts in ecosystems.

Out of the options provided, slowing climate change (option D) would be the most likely environmental impact of a future technological innovation that reduces greenhouse gases. The other options do not directly relate to the reduction of greenhouse gases and their impact on climate change.

Its b because the green house affect traps heat inside eaths atmosphere which melt ice burgs which cause sea levels to rise.