a. crossing-over

b. plasmogamy
c. mitosis
d. karyogamy
e. binary fission

I know that is is not (a). Can you help me narrow it down any further?

But WHAT is the question?


Im sorry!!!

Which process occurs in fungi and has the opposite effect on a cell's chromosome number than does meiosis I?

I think that the answer is (c). What do you think?

It's d. For sure

Of course! I can help you narrow it down further. To do that, let's go through each option and see if we can eliminate any of them.

Option (a) crossing-over is a process that occurs during meiosis, where homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material. Since you already stated that it is not the correct answer, we can eliminate this option.

Option (b) plasmogamy is a process that occurs in certain fungi and algae, where two different cells fuse their cytoplasm. This is not directly related to cell reproduction, so we can eliminate this option as well.

Option (c) mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Mitosis is a fundamental process for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction in many organisms. This may be a potential answer, but let's continue evaluating the remaining options.

Option (d) karyogamy is the fusion of two haploid nuclei to produce a diploid nucleus, typically occurring during sexual reproduction in fungi. Since you mentioned that crossing-over is not the correct answer, and karyogamy is related to sexual reproduction, we can eliminate this option too.

Option (e) binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction in which a single organism divides into two separate organisms of roughly equal size. This process is commonly observed in prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea). Since you already identified that crossing-over is not the correct answer, and binary fission is not relevant to crossing-over, we can eliminate this option as well.

Based on this evaluation, the remaining option is (c) mitosis. Therefore, mitosis is the most likely correct answer among the given options.