When packing the order yesterday, one important item was omitted. options:


properly constructed sentence




lacks parallel parts


comma splice



Not A, so what's wrong?


Correct, "misplaced" is the error. The sentence is grammatically correct, but the error is in the context. The sentence suggests that an important item was forgotten or left out of the order when it was packed yesterday.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the meaning of each option and identify which one accurately describes the situation provided.

A) "Properly constructed sentence" does not seem to be relevant to the context of the question. The sentence provided does not appear to have any grammatical or structural issues.

B) "Misplaced" does not accurately describe the situation either. The sentence itself does not indicate that an item was placed in the wrong location.

C) "Lacks parallel parts" also does not apply to the given sentence. Parallelism refers to using similar grammatical structures or patterns within a sentence, but there are no apparent parallelism issues in the provided sentence.

D) "Comma splice" refers to incorrectly joining two independent clauses with a comma alone. However, there is no evidence of a comma splice in the given sentence.

E) "Dangler" or "dangling modifier" refers to a modifier in a sentence that does not clearly relate to the word or phrase it is intended to modify. However, the given sentence does not contain any modifiers that could be considered dangling.

Considering all the options, the most suitable answer would be:

A) Properly constructed sentence - This option seems to be unrelated to the question.

Therefore, the answer should be:

B) Misplaced - This is not the correct answer based on the information provided, so it can be eliminated.

C) Lacks parallel parts - This is also unrelated to the given sentence, so it can be eliminated.

D) Comma splice - There is no evidence of a comma splice in the sentence, so it can be eliminated.

E) Dangler - The given sentence does not contain any modifiers that could be considered dangling, so this option can also be eliminated.

Overall, based on the options provided and the given context, none of the options accurately describe the situation of an omitted item when packing the order.