Write a function rule for finding the amount of daily pay, p, in the following situation: A bus driver gets paid $100 each day plus $0.20 per kilometer, k.

A. 100 = 0.20 × k
B. p = 0.20 × 100 × k
C. p = 0.20k + 100****
D. 0.20k = 100 + p

please check



5.8.6 - Quick Check: Writing Rules for Linear Functions
your welcome

Thanks for that one thumbs up

nvm... ima fail for yalls answers

KIttyCat is correct listen to them

this one is harder and i need some help

KittyCat😺 100%

@kittyCat is right.

already got an a

For each increase of 2 units in the x's, I see an increase of 4 in the y's

So the slope is 4/2 or 2
that rules out A and B

so we would have y = 2x + b in the usual y = mx+b notation
but the y-intercept is (0,0), so b = 0

y = 2x is your choice

Do the values in the table represent a linear function? If so, what is the function rule?

x= -2, 0, 2, 4.
y= -4, 0, 4, 8.
A. The values do not show a linear function.
B. Yes, they show a linear function; y = 1/2x + 4.
C. Yes, they show a linear function; y = 2x + 2.
D. Yes, they show a linear function; y = 2x.