Graph the points (0.5,4.5) and (3.5,2.5) on the coordinate plane.

Click to graph a point.

To graph the points (0.5,4.5) and (3.5,2.5) on the coordinate plane, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing two perpendicular lines that intersect at a right angle. These will serve as the x-axis and y-axis on the coordinate plane.

2. Label the x-axis horizontally and the y-axis vertically.

3. Locate the first point (0.5,4.5). This means the x-coordinate is 0.5 and the y-coordinate is 4.5. Starting from the origin, move 0.5 units to the right along the x-axis, and then move 4.5 units upward along the y-axis. Mark this point on the graph.

4. Now locate the second point (3.5,2.5). This means the x-coordinate is 3.5 and the y-coordinate is 2.5. Starting from the origin again, move 3.5 units to the right along the x-axis, and then move 2.5 units downward along the y-axis. Mark this point on the graph.

5. Connect the two points with a straight line segment. This line represents the line segment connecting the two given points.

By following these steps, the points (0.5,4.5) and (3.5,2.5) will be correctly graphed on the coordinate plane.

Cannot graph on these posts.

Graph the points (2.5,1.5), (5,3.5), and (1,5) on the coordinate plane.


graph the points (4, -5) and ( -1.5, 3.5) on the coordinate plane