Does anyone know how to do this?

Indicate which of the key ideas or analyses best supports the following topic sentence: The life of an amphibian is spent in water and on land.

-A frog is born as a tadpole
-The world amphibian means double life, which exactly what an amphibian lives.
-Begin born in the water, Timmy the tadpole looked forward to his future.
-Amphibians and reptiles are often confused, but they are very different creatures

How is the pronoun "they" used in the second sentence?
Sarah and Michelle competed for top honors in their high school class. They were both excellent students; however, Michelle took the top spot in the end.

-to replace nouns
-to replace verbs
-to describe a verb
-to describe when an action took place

How would you correct the following sentence fragment?
Sang at the concert.

-Add a verb to the end of the sentence to tell what happens next.
-Add a noun to the beginning of the sentence tell who sang.
-Add an adverb to the end of the sentence to tell how they sang.
-Add an adjective to describe the concert.

You are given a writing assignment to determine the best college to attend based on pros and cons. What is the appropriate pattern of writing the use?

-Compared and contrast
-Cause and effect

Revise the punctuation error in the following sentence;
-A healthy lifestyle, requires a healthy diet exercise, and regular physicals.
-A healthy lifestyle requires a healthy diet, exercise, and regular physicals.
-A healthy lifestyle requires a healthy, diet, exercise, and regular physicals.
-A healthy lifestyle requires a healthy diet, exercise, and regular physicals.

How would you correct the following sentence.
matthew rode every ride at the amusement park and ate three funnel cakes?

-Check that the writing has demonstrated an understanding of the audience.
-Check that the writing has responded to the required task.
-Ensure all spelling and grammatical errors are eliminated.
-Check that the writing is focused.

How would you correct the following run-on sentence?
The students completed the exam they failed because they did not study.

-Add a semicolon between the two independent clauses where the second independent clause begins with a capitalized letter.
-Join the two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction followed by a comma.
-Add a semicolon followed by a dependent clause.
-Add a semicolon, then transition, then a comma between the two independent clauses.

List the verb(s) in the following sentence:
The principal shook each of the graduates' hands as they walked across the stage.

-shook, graduates'
-principal, shook
-shook, walked
-hands, stage

What is the most likely audience for an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of student cell phone use in classrooms?

-school administration considering cell phone policy
-high school students considering a new phone
-high school teachers planning a unit on a computer use
-parents considering buying a cell phone for their child

In the following sentence. which word(s) signify order in the paragraph?
Finally, with the last brush stroke the artist finished painting.


To determine which of the key ideas or analyses best supports the topic sentence "The life of an amphibian is spent in water and on land," you can analyze each option:

Option 1: "A frog is born as a tadpole." This idea supports the topic sentence because it shows that amphibians begin their lives in water as tadpoles.

Option 2: "The word amphibian means double life, which is exactly what an amphibian lives." This idea directly supports the topic sentence by providing the definition of amphibian and emphasizing their dual habitat.

Option 3: "Being born in the water, Timmy the tadpole looked forward to his future." This idea does not strongly support the topic sentence as it focuses more on an individual tadpole's experience rather than the general characteristics of amphibians.

Option 4: "Amphibians and reptiles are often confused, but they are very different creatures." This idea does not directly support the topic sentence, as it discusses the distinction between amphibians and reptiles rather than their habitat.

Based on the analysis, the option that best supports the topic sentence is option 2: "The word amphibian means double life, which is exactly what an amphibian lives."


In the sentence, "Sarah and Michelle competed for top honors in their high school class. They were both excellent students; however, Michelle took the top spot in the end," the pronoun "they" is used to replace the nouns "Sarah and Michelle." So, the correct answer is: "to replace nouns."


To correct the sentence fragment "Sang at the concert," you can apply the following option:

Option: Add a verb to the end of the sentence to tell what happens next.

By adding a verb, the corrected sentence could be:
"They sang at the concert."


When asked to determine the best college to attend based on the pros and cons, the appropriate pattern of writing to use is an "Argument." This is because you will need to present reasons and evidence to support your position on which college is the best choice.


To revise the punctuation error in the sentence: "A healthy lifestyle, requires a healthy diet exercise, and regular physicals," the correct choice is:

"A healthy lifestyle requires a healthy diet, exercise, and regular physicals."

This fixes the punctuation error and ensures proper clarity and readability.


To correct the sentence, "Matthew rode every ride at the amusement park and ate three funnel cakes?", you can apply the following option:

Option: Ensure all spelling and grammatical errors are eliminated.

By correcting the punctuation and capitalization, the corrected sentence could be:
"Matthew rode every ride at the amusement park and ate three funnel cakes."


To correct the run-on sentence "The students completed the exam they failed because they did not study," you can apply the following option:

Option: Join the two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction followed by a comma.

The corrected sentence could be:
"The students completed the exam, but they failed because they did not study."

By using the coordinating conjunction "but" and adding a comma, the two independent clauses are properly connected.


The verbs in the sentence "The principal shook each of the graduates' hands as they walked across the stage" are "shook" and "walked." So, the correct answer is: "shook, walked."


The most likely audience for an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of student cell phone use in classrooms would be "school administration considering cell phone policy." This audience is directly responsible for creating and implementing policies regarding cell phone use in schools.


The word that signifies order in the sentence "Finally, with the last brush stroke, the artist finished painting" is "Finally." This transition word indicates the chronological order or sequence of events.

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