please help I need work shown please! Some help can do thanks no answers just nice help with work shown :)

8 Pamela is shopping for bottled water at the supermarket. Which is the best buy?
A 1 2-liter bottle for $0.89
B 3 1-liter bottles for $1.50
C 24 0.5-liter bottles for $5.25
D 36 0.25-liter bottles for $4.75

9 Stuart is buying a pair of jeans that regularly cost
$40. They are on sale for 20% off. If the tax rate
is 8%, what is the sale price of the jeans including
A $21.60
B $34.56
C $42.34
D $44.16

10 Tamika works in a shoe store and is paid a 12%
commission on her sales. In January her sales total
was $3740. To the nearest dollar, how much did
Tamika earn in commission for January?
A $312
B $449
C $3291

Shut up with that "we do not do your work for you" while your giving them the answers anyways! Ughh you guys are so annoying just do your job and shut up! Jeez is it that hard to be helpful? I need to talk to the owner about this issue cuz u teachers are weird mean and not helpful!

preach bae

Sure, I'd be happy to help you!

For question 8, we need to compare the price per liter of each option to find the best buy. To do this, we'll divide the total cost by the total volume in liters. Let's calculate the price per liter for each option:

Option A: 1 * 2 = 2 liters
Price per liter = $0.89 / 2 = $0.445 per liter

Option B: 3 * 1 = 3 liters
Price per liter = $1.50 / 3 = $0.50 per liter

Option C: 24 * 0.5 = 12 liters
Price per liter = $5.25 / 12 = $0.4375 per liter

Option D: 36 * 0.25 = 9 liters
Price per liter = $4.75 / 9 = $0.5278 per liter

From the calculations, we can see that Option A has the lowest price per liter, making it the best buy for bottled water.

For question 9, we need to calculate the sale price of the jeans after the discount and including the tax. Let's do the calculations step by step:

Original price of the jeans = $40
Discounted price = (100% - 20%) * $40 = 80% * $40 = $32

To find the tax amount, we calculate 8% of the discounted price:
Tax amount = 8% * $32 = $2.56

Finally, we add the tax amount to the discounted price to get the sale price including tax:
Sale price = $32 + $2.56 = $34.56

So, option B, $34.56, is the sale price of the jeans including tax.

For question 10, we need to find Tamika's commission earnings based on a 12% commission rate and her total sales of $3740. Let's calculate it:

Commission earnings = 12% of $3740
Commission earnings = (12/100) * $3740

Calculating this, we find that Tamika earned $448.8 in commission for January.

Rounding to the nearest dollar, Tamika's commission earnings for January would be $449, so option B is the correct answer.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

What are your choices?