Mass of empty bottle is 409g,and mass of bottle filled with water is 1150g,and mass of the bottle containing air is 410g;what mass of water needed to the bottle?


I give answer if this question

To find the mass of water needed to fill the bottle, we need to subtract the mass of the empty bottle from the mass of the bottle filled with water.

Mass of empty bottle = 409g
Mass of bottle filled with water = 1150g

Mass of water = Mass of bottle filled with water - Mass of empty bottle

Mass of water = 1150g - 409g
Mass of water = 741g

Therefore, the mass of water needed to fill the bottle is 741g.

To find the mass of water needed to fill the bottle, we need to subtract the mass of the empty bottle from the mass of the bottle filled with water.

Let's calculate:

Mass of empty bottle = 409g
Mass of bottle filled with water = 1150g

Mass of water = Mass of bottle filled with water - Mass of empty bottle

Mass of water = 1150g - 409g
Mass of water = 741g

Therefore, the mass of water needed to fill the bottle is 741 grams.