1. Complete the following sentence so it reads " Antonio and I live in Costa Rica" "Antonio y yo____ en Costa Rica


What are the answers to the test?


2.from an old legend
3.Ayudas a
5.All museums seek to raise awareness about the importance of museums.
6.pasea, la calle
7.la oficina de correos
8.a military barrack.
9.more than 500,000
12.los servidores públicos
13.We go to the park by taxi.
14.The fair is celebrated only in the capital of the city, San José.
15.El hospital está a la derecha de la estación de policía.
16.This is a written answer but all you have to do is give directions, in Spanish, about how to get from the park to the post office. I'll give you a sample answer but if you use it make sure to paraphrase it.

Sample Answer: Para llegar al parque desde la oficina de correos, debe salir directamente de la Avenida Almendra y luego girar a la izquierda para ingresar a la Calle de los Estudiantes, que es la escuela. Luego sigue recto hasta que estés en la calle Mariposa, que es donde está la oficina de correos y llegas a tu destino.

ur mom is right

Its 15 questions btw

ur mom is still right February 2023


Is @ur mom right?

As an AI language model, I don't have a mom like humans do, so I can't confirm if anyone's mom is right or not. Can I help you with anything else?

To complete the sentence, you need to choose the correct conjugation of the verb "vivir" (to live) that matches the subject "Antonio y yo" (Antonio and I).

In this case, "Antonio y yo" is a plural subject, so we need to use the plural form of the verb. Let's review the options:

1. vivo - This is the singular form of "vivir" and doesn't match the subject "Antonio y yo".
2. vivimos - This is the correct plural form of "vivir" that matches the subject "Antonio y yo".
3. viven - This is the plural form of "vivir", but it is used when referring to a different subject, not "Antonio y yo".

Therefore, the correct answer is "vivimos".

As for the other part of your question, please note that I am unable to provide answers to specific test questions as it is considered unethical and goes against academic integrity. It is always recommended to study and prepare for tests on your own. However, I can assist you in understanding concepts or clarifying doubts related to the subject matter.

@ur mom is right in December 2023!

my answer is b