I need to find an article by tommorow to show my class that shows injustice. I checked the Buffalo News and other newspapers and websites, but I can't find anything.

Any ideas?

Do you know of any recent cases of injustice?

The only thing that I can think of would be the Virginia Tech Massacre.

please help


Check last night's news. There was a news story about a man who had been in prison for about 20 years. They had just run a DNA test that proved that he was totally innocent. The story said that he was the 200th innocent person to be freed from prison on DNA evidence.


I understand that you are looking for an article that shows injustice to present to your class. It seems that you have already checked various newspapers and websites, but have not been able to find anything. In such cases, I would recommend utilizing a more comprehensive search engine, such as Google News.

You can visit the Google News website (http://news.google.com) and type in keywords related to injustice in the search bar. For example, you can search for terms like "recent cases of injustice" or "current news on injustice." Additionally, you can adjust the search parameters to filter results by date, source, and relevance.

A direct link to a search for "injustice" on Google News is provided above. This search will display recent news articles related to injustice. You can further refine the search by adding specific terms or modifying the search parameters.

Another approach is to look for specific topics or events that have been widely discussed in recent times. For instance, cases involving police brutality, racial discrimination, or social inequality are often reported and discussed extensively in the media.

In terms of recent cases of injustice, it may be fruitful to look into ongoing stories or recent events that have received significant attention. For example, you mentioned the Virginia Tech Massacre. While it is a tragic event, it may not directly relate to injustice. However, by expanding the scope of your search and considering different categories, you may be able to find more relevant articles.

Remember that it is essential to critically evaluate the sources and the credibility of the information you find. Analyze different viewpoints and ensure that the articles you choose provide a well-rounded understanding of the topic.