Hi I need help!!

Solve the inequality and describe the solution set.
make sure to add the solution set

y - 6 > 12

add 6 to both sides
y - 6 + 6 > 12 + 6
y > 18

just add 6 to both sides of the inequality

Could you explain that to me please i seriously don't get it and i am not lying

To solve the inequality y - 6 > 12 and describe the solution set, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add 6 to both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable y:

(y - 6) + 6 > 12 + 6

Simplifying, we get:

y > 18

Step 2: Now we have the inequality y > 18, which means y is greater than 18. To describe the solution set, we can write it in interval notation or set-builder notation.

In interval notation, the solution set can be written as:

(18, ∞)

This represents all the values of y that are greater than 18.

In set-builder notation, the solution set can be written as:

{ y | y > 18 }

This also represents all the values of y that are greater than 18.

So, the solution set for the inequality y - 6 > 12 is (18, ∞) or { y | y > 18 }.