Translate this sentence into an equation.

The sum 7 of and Delia's height is 68 .
Use the variable d to represent Delia's height.

Write an inequality for the following statement.

6 is less than or equal to a

english -- math

sum ----- +
is --------- =

To translate the sentence into an equation, we can use the variable d to represent Delia's height. Let's break down the sentence:

"The sum 7 of and Delia's height is 68."

This means that if we add 7 to Delia's height, the result is 68.

So the equation would be:

d + 7 = 68

In this equation, d represents Delia's height and 7 represents the number that is added to her height. The sum of d and 7 is equal to 68.