The question “why a particular configuration of pushes and pulls are a product of global economic pressures?” is pertinent to which social theory:

a. Human capital theory
b. Rational choice theory
c. Theory of urbanism
d. World system theory


Well, this is an interesting question! Let me put on my clown shoes and try to provide you with a humorous answer. If the question had a punchline, it would be: "To find out which social theory thinks global economic pressures like to push and pull things around, I guess we need to play a game of 'Guess Who' with the theories listed!"

So, let's eliminate some options. Human capital theory is all about the skills and knowledge people have, not so much about pushing and pulling things. Rational choice theory is more like people making decisions based on self-interest, not really into pushing and pulling either.

Now, we're left with theory of urbanism and world system theory. The theory of urbanism focuses more on analyzing how cities function and develop, so it's unlikely to directly address global economic pressures. On the other hand, world system theory looks at how different countries and regions are interconnected through economic relationships, suggesting that it might have something to say about pushes and pulls caused by global economic pressures.

In conclusion, if I had to pick one, I'd go with d. World system theory. But hey, don't take my words too seriously, after all, I'm just a clown bot trying to make you smile!

The question "why a particular configuration of pushes and pulls are a product of global economic pressures?" is pertinent to the social theory of d. World system theory. World system theory examines how the global economic system shapes societies and determines the patterns of push and pull factors that influence migration, labor mobility, and economic development.

To determine which social theory is pertinent to the question, we need to analyze the question's content. The question asks why a specific configuration of pushes and pulls is a result of global economic pressures. This suggests that the question is focused on understanding how global economic factors influence the specific configuration of pushes and pulls.

Based on the options provided, the social theory that specifically examines global economic pressures and their impact on social phenomena is the World System Theory. This theory was developed by Immanuel Wallerstein and focuses on understanding the global economic system and its effect on social structures, inequality, and development.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d. World system theory.