Construct a triangle xyz such that xy =7cm yz =10cm yxz =105:measure xz


Construct a triangle xyz such that xy =7cm yz =10cm
yxz =105 DEGREES ??
if so, law of cosines
xz^2 = 7^2 + 10^2 - 2*7*10 cos 105
xz^2 = 49 + 100 + 140 (0.2588)
xz^2 = 185.2
xz = 13.6

I mean draw a construction of that question

Mtchwww extremely wrong(to the "anonymous"), sorry to say, this question is construction, you didn't even show the diagram

I didn't see any construction please if you don't know how to construct just write down the answers

Mtchwww extremely wrong, sorry to say, this quest is construction, you didn't even show the diagram

To construct triangle XYZ given the lengths of the sides XY, YZ, and the angle YXZ, we can follow these steps:

1. Draw a line segment XY with a length of 7cm.
2. Place the compass tip on point X and adjust the compass width to 10cm (the length of YZ). Draw an arc intersecting line XY at point A.
3. Without changing the compass width, move the compass tip to point Y and draw another arc intersecting the first arc at point B.
4. Connect points A and B to form line AB.
5. Place the compass tip on point Y and adjust the compass width to 105 degrees (the measure of angle YXZ). Draw an arc that intersects line AB at point Z.
6. Connect points X and Z to form line XZ.
7. The line segment XZ is the third side of the triangle XYZ.

To measure the length of XZ, you can use a ruler or a measuring tape. Align the ruler along the line segment XZ and read the measurement.