what are 3 arguments you can use for and against the criminalization of sex with someone under 17 that looks, acts, talks and even says that they are older?

For criminalization:

Ignorance is no excuse under the law.
The responsibility falls on the mature person who is at least 17.

Against criminalization:

Consensual sex is not illegal.
Our courts and jails are already overloaded with more serious crimes.

Thank you Ms. Sue

When discussing the criminalization of sex with someone under 17 who appears, acts, and claims to be older, there are different perspectives and arguments on both sides. Below, I will outline three arguments in favor of and against the criminalization of such situations:

Arguments in favor of criminalization:

1. Protection of minors: Advocates who support criminalization argue that the age of consent laws exist to protect minors from potential exploitation and harm. They believe that even if an individual looks, acts, or claims to be older, it is important to maintain a hard line to ensure the safety and well-being of young people.

2. Power dynamics: Supporters argue that power imbalances may still exist in relationships with significant age differences, regardless of how mature the younger person appears. They emphasize that such power disparities could lead to manipulation, coercion, or abuse, even if the younger person gives consent.

3. Legal clarity and consistency: Advocates for maintaining the current laws assert that setting a clear and consistent age of consent protects both parties involved. They believe that making exceptions based on appearance, maturity, or self-identification could create a variety of subjective interpretations and potentially open the door for further exploitation or confusion.

Arguments against criminalization:

1. Individual autonomy and maturity: Opponents argue that if someone convincingly presents themselves as older and demonstrates sufficient maturity, they should have the agency to make decisions about their own sexual activity. They believe that strictly adhering to age-based laws in these cases may infringe upon individual autonomy.

2. Ignorance as a defense: Supporters of decriminalization argue that if someone genuinely believes a person is of legal age and has taken reasonable steps to verify it (e.g., checking identification), they should not be held criminally responsible if the younger person turns out to be underage. They believe that making appropriate efforts to ascertain a person's age should mitigate legal consequences.

3. Changing societal norms: Some proponents argue that societal perceptions and attitudes about sexual relationships have shifted over time. They claim that it is important for laws to adapt to reflect changing social norms and public opinion, especially regarding relationships involving consenting individuals who may have a significant age difference.

Please note that these arguments are presented for the purpose of answering your question objectively and do not reflect personal opinions or endorse any stance. The ethical and legal aspects of this issue are subject to ongoing debates and may vary depending on jurisdiction.