Which lines from "Madam and the Rent Man" by Langston Hughes best reflect the bold attitude working-class people were developing after the Harlem Renaissance?

A. The rent man knocked.
He said, How-do?

B. Before I'd pay****
I'd go to Hades
And rot away!

C. Back window's cracked,
Kitchen floor squeaks,
There's a rat in the cellar,

D. He said, Madam,
It's not up to me.

rip juice wrld ):

so what the answer

In order to determine which lines from "Madam and the Rent Man" by Langston Hughes best reflect the bold attitude working-class people were developing after the Harlem Renaissance, we need to look at the lines and analyze the tone and message conveyed.

Let's go through each option:

A. "The rent man knocked.
He said, How-do?"

These lines do not necessarily reflect a bold attitude on the part of the working-class people. They simply describe the interaction between the rent man and the speaker, without indicating any attitude.

B. "Before I'd pay****
I'd go to Hades
And rot away!"

These lines demonstrate a defiant and bold attitude of the speaker. They express a refusal to pay the rent and suggest that the speaker would rather suffer and go to Hell than give in.

C. "Back window's cracked,
Kitchen floor squeaks,
There's a rat in the cellar,"

While these lines highlight the less-than-ideal living conditions of the working-class people, they do not specifically reflect a bold attitude.

D. "He said, Madam,
It's not up to me."

These lines show the response of the rent man to the speaker's refusal to pay. While they do not directly indicate a bold attitude, they do illustrate the persistence and resistance of the working-class people.

Based on this analysis, option B, "Before I'd pay**** / I'd go to Hades / And rot away!" best reflects the bold attitude working-class people were developing after the Harlem Renaissance. It shows a strong determination to stand up against unfair housing conditions and refuse to be taken advantage of.

4 is a

I believe that you are correct.

check my answers please!

the answer to the test are

the right answer because I just took the test so trust me they is right