Mark averaged 60 miles per hour during the 30 mile trip to college. Because of heavy traffic he as able to average only 20 miles per hour during the return trip. What was Mark's average speed for the round trip?

1/2 hour to get there

1.5 hours back
total 2 hours for 60 miles
so 30 miles/ hour

To find Mark's average speed for the round trip, we can use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

First, let's calculate the time taken for each leg of the trip.

For the trip to college:
Distance = 30 miles
Speed = 60 miles per hour
Time = Distance / Speed = 30 miles / 60 miles per hour = 0.5 hour

For the return trip:
Distance = 30 miles
Speed = 20 miles per hour
Time = Distance / Speed = 30 miles / 20 miles per hour = 1.5 hours

Now, let's calculate the total distance covered in the round trip:
Total Distance = 30 miles + 30 miles = 60 miles

Next, let's calculate the total time taken for the round trip:
Total Time = Time for the trip to college + Time for the return trip
Total Time = 0.5 hour + 1.5 hours = 2 hours

Finally, let's calculate the average speed for the round trip:
Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 60 miles / 2 hours = 30 miles per hour

Therefore, Mark's average speed for the round trip is 30 miles per hour.

To find Mark's average speed for the round trip, we'll need to calculate his total distance traveled and divide it by the total time taken.

Let's start by finding the total distance. Mark traveled 30 miles to college, and another 30 miles back for a total of 60 miles.

Next, we need to find the total time taken for the round trip. The time for the first leg of the trip can be calculated by dividing the distance (30 miles) by the speed (60 miles per hour) which gives us 0.5 hours. Similarly, the time for the return trip can be calculated by dividing the distance (30 miles) by the speed (20 miles per hour) which gives us 1.5 hours.

Now, we can calculate the total time for the round trip by adding the time taken for the first leg and the return trip, which gives us 0.5 hours + 1.5 hours = 2 hours.

Finally, to find the average speed, we divide the total distance (60 miles) by the total time (2 hours).

Average Speed = Total distance / Total time:
Average Speed = 60 miles / 2 hours

Simplifying the equation, we get:
Average Speed = 30 miles per hour

Therefore, Mark's average speed for the round trip was 30 miles per hour.