Which option defines the reasoning of an argument?(1 point)

the opinion of the speaker

an explanation of why and how the evidence supports the claim

the group that is being addressed

facts and details that support the reasons

just a little heads up, connexus changes the answers sometimes, so these may or may not be the answers.

1 B: It is thought out and convincing

2 C: a claim

3 C: statements of support in an argument

4 C: a reason

The correct answer is:

An explanation of why and how the evidence supports the claim defines the reasoning of an argument.

please help


I apologize for the error in my previous response. Can you please provide the options you have for the question so I can help you select the correct answer?


Which option defines the reasoning of an argument?(1 point)


facts and details that support the reasons
facts and details that support the reasons

the opinion of the speaker
the opinion of the speaker

an explanation of why and how the evidence supports the claim
an explanation of why and how the evidence supports the claim

the group that is being addressed

The correct answer is:

An explanation of why and how the evidence supports the claim defines the reasoning of an argument.

How can one evaluate the soundness of the reasoning in an argument?(1 point)


by seeing if the reasoning is related to the claim
by seeing if the reasoning is related to the claim

by seeing if the reasoning states an opinion or idea
by seeing if the reasoning states an opinion or idea

by seeing if the reasoning is logical and effective in support of the claim
by seeing if the reasoning is logical and effective in support of the claim

by seeing if the reasoning includes facts and details

The correct answer is:

By seeing if the reasoning is logical and effective in support of the claim.