When re-ordering, a shop owner is interested in ordering different jean sizes. Looking at the sales data, which measures of central tendency is useful to him?

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. All of the above

No sales data shown. However, if the distribution is skewed, median would be most useful.

All of the above

The shop owner is interested in ordering different jean sizes based on sales data. In this case, the measures of central tendency that could be useful are the mean, median, and mode.

A. Mean: The mean is the average of all the jean sizes sold. It is calculated by adding up all the jean sizes and dividing the sum by the total number of sales. The mean provides information about the overall average size of jeans sold, which can be helpful for the shop owner in determining the sizes to order.

B. Median: The median is the middle value of the sorted list of jean sizes. It is useful when there are extreme values or outliers that might skew the mean. By identifying the median jean size, the shop owner can ensure that the sizes ordered cover a range that includes the most commonly purchased size.

C. Mode: The mode represents the jean size(s) that occur most frequently in the sales data. It helps the shop owner identify the most popular size(s) among customers. By ordering more of the sizes that are in high demand (mode), the shop owner can optimize their inventory to meet customer needs.

D. All of the above: Choosing "D. All of the above" means that the shop owner can benefit from analyzing all three measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) to make informed decisions about re-ordering jean sizes. Each measure provides unique insights that can guide the shop owner in determining which sizes to prioritize while re-stocking their inventory.