write pseudocode to calculate the total amount customer has to pay when purchasing items from a store. The calculation includes 6% tax. Find total amount customer has to pay based on 3 item code,price and quatity


for i=1..3
read code, price, quantity
total += price * quantity * 1.06
next i

Write a algorithm to calculate a deduction of 5 percent salary, with the remaining 95 percent

Here's a pseudocode to calculate the total amount a customer has to pay including 6% tax based on item code, price, and quantity:

1. Initialize variables:
- `subtotal` as 0
- `taxRate` as 6% (0.06)
- `total` as 0

2. Loop through each item:
For each item:
- Read the `itemCode`, `price`, and `quantity` from the user
- Calculate the `itemTotal` by multiplying `price` and `quantity`
- Add `itemTotal` to `subtotal`

3. Calculate the `tax` by multiplying `subtotal` and `taxRate`

4. Calculate the `total` by adding `subtotal` and `tax`

5. Display the `total` amount to the customer

Here's the pseudocode in code format:

initialize subtotal as 0
initialize taxRate as 0.06
initialize total as 0

loop through each item:
read itemCode, price, and quantity
itemTotal = price * quantity
subtotal += itemTotal

tax = subtotal * taxRate
total = subtotal + tax

display total to the customer

Please note that this is just a pseudocode and may need to be adapted to the specific programming language and environment you are using.

To calculate the total amount a customer has to pay when purchasing items from a store, incorporating a 6% tax, you can use the following pseudocode:

1. Initialize a variable named totalAmount and set it to 0.
2. For each item:
a. Read the item code, price, and quantity.
b. Calculate the subtotal for the item by multiplying the price by the quantity.
c. Add the subtotal to the totalAmount.
3. Calculate the taxAmount by multiplying the totalAmount by 0.06 (6%).
4. Add the taxAmount to the totalAmount.
5. Display the totalAmount.

Here's the pseudocode for the calculation:

totalAmount = 0

for each item:
read itemCode, price, quantity
subtotal = price * quantity
totalAmount = totalAmount + subtotal

taxAmount = totalAmount * 0.06
totalAmount = totalAmount + taxAmount

display totalAmount

Please note that this is just pseudocode, which represents the logic of the solution. You will need to implement this pseudocode in a programming language of your choice to get the actual result.