******PLEASE ASSIST******

1. How does sunlight reach Earth?
Light from the sun travels through space to Earth as transverse waves. These light waves do not need a medium in which to travel.
2. Think about the path that light from the sun takes to shine through your window. What does it travel through?

not what i was asking, but thank you nonetheless :)

I did. In fact, I asked two questions.


Sunlight travels at the speed of light. Photons emitted from the surface of the Sun need to travel across the vacuum of space to reach our eyes. The short answer is that it takes sunlight an average of 8 minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth. Light moves at 300,000 kilometers/second.

Light from the sun travels through multiple layers before reaching your window. Here's a simplified explanation of the path it takes:

1. The light from the sun travels through the vacuum of space, where there is no air or other medium.
2. Upon reaching Earth's atmosphere, the light encounters the ozone layer, which absorbs some of the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
3. The light then passes through the different layers of the atmosphere, including the troposphere (where weather occurs) and the stratosphere (where the ozone layer is located).
4. As the light passes through the atmosphere, it interacts with molecules in the air. These interactions cause the scattering of light, which is why the sky appears blue during the day.
5. Some of the light is absorbed or scattered by clouds, air pollutants, and other particles in the atmosphere. However, most of the visible light reaches the Earth's surface.
6. Finally, after traversing the atmosphere, the sunlight reaches your window. It passes through the glass, which is transparent to most of the visible light spectrum. The glass may reflect a small amount of light, but the majority of it enters the room.

So, to summarize, sunlight from the sun travels through the vacuum of space, the Earth's atmosphere (including the ozone layer), and then passes through your window.

Actually you didn't ask a question.