Ama is x years old now. 4 years ago she was 3 times kofi's age. Find Ama and Kofi age

x-4 = 3 (k-4) is x - 4 = 3 k - 12

x - 3 k = - 8

Now you need another fact for another equation;

Ama is x years old now . four years ago she was 3 times kofi'age find ama and kofi'age.

Let's start by setting up equations based on the given information:

Let Ama's current age be represented by "x."
Four years ago, Ama's age would have been "x - 4."
Kofi's age four years ago would have been "(x - 4)/3."

We are given that 4 years ago Ama was three times Kofi's age, so we can write the equation:

(x - 4) = 3 * ((x - 4)/3)

To solve the equation, we can start by simplifying the right side:

(x - 4) = (x - 4)

Since both sides are equal, we can conclude that this equation is true for any value of x. Therefore, we cannot determine specific ages for Ama and Kofi based on the given information.

To find the ages of Ama and Kofi, we can set up a system of equations based on the information given.

Let's assume Ama's current age is represented by 'x' and Kofi's current age is represented by 'y'.

According to the given information, "Ama is x years old now," so we have:

Equation 1: Ama's current age: x

Now, let's consider the second piece of information, "4 years ago she was 3 times Kofi's age." If we go back 4 years, we need to subtract 4 from both Ama's and Kofi's ages.

Equation 2: Ama's age 4 years ago: x - 4
Equation 3: Kofi's age 4 years ago: y - 4

And the equation based on the second piece of information is, "4 years ago she was 3 times Kofi's age":

x - 4 = 3(y - 4)

Now, we can solve this system of equations to find the values of x (Ama's current age) and y (Kofi's current age).

First, simplify Equation 3:

x - 4 = 3y - 12

Now, simplify Equation 2 and Equation 1:

x - 4 = 3y - 12
x = 3y - 8

Since both equations have x on one side, we can combine them:

3y - 8 = 3y - 12

Solving this equation, we see that 'y' cancels out, leaving us with:

-8 = -12

Since this equation is not true, we can conclude that there is no specific solution for Ama and Kofi's ages given the information provided.