In a triathlon, Farhan swims a distance of 1.5 km at an average speed of 2.5 km/h, cycles 40 km in 1/1/2 hours and runs at an average speed of 9 km/h for 1/1/9 hours

To calculate the time it takes for Farhan to complete each leg of the triathlon, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

1. Swimming leg:
Distance = 1.5 km
Speed = 2.5 km/h
Time = 1.5 km / 2.5 km/h = 0.6 hours

2. Cycling leg:
Distance = 40 km
Time = 1 1/2 hours = 1.5 hours

3. Running leg:
Distance = 9 km
Speed = 9 km/h
Time = 1 1/9 hours = 1.111 hours (approximately)

So, the total time taken by Farhan to complete the entire triathlon is:

Total time = Swimming time + Cycling time + Running time
= 0.6 hours + 1.5 hours + 1.111 hours
= 3.211 hours (approximately)

To calculate Farhan's total time for the triathlon, we need to add up the time taken for each activity. Let's calculate each activity's time first:

1. Swimming:
Distance: 1.5 km
Average speed: 2.5 km/h

To find the time, we can use the formula: time = distance/speed
Time taken for swimming = 1.5 km / 2.5 km/h

2. Cycling:
Distance: 40 km
Time: 1/1/2 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

The time is already given for cycling.

3. Running:
Average speed: 9 km/h
Time: 1/1/9 (1 hour and 9 minutes)

Now let's calculate the time taken for running:
Time taken for running = 1/1/9 hours * 9 km/h

To find the total time, we need to add up the times for swimming, cycling, and running:

Total time = Time for swimming + Time for cycling + Time for running

Once we have the individual times, we can add them up to find the total time taken for the triathlon.

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