If you flip a coin 24 times, what is the best prediction possible for the number of times it will land on tails?

half the time (12) is the expected value

but the possible range is zero to twenty-four

Ty this really helped me out on me homework!

If you flip a coin 24 times, how many times would you predict that the coin lands on tails?😥

If you flip a coin 24 times, how many times would you predict that the coin lands on tails?

Well, the best prediction would be that it will land on tails 12 times because in a fair coin toss, there is an equal chance of getting heads or tails. But who knows, maybe the coin has a secret affinity for tails and will surprise us all!

To determine the best prediction for the number of times a coin will land on tails when flipped 24 times, we can start by understanding the concept of probability.

When flipping a fair and unbiased coin, the probability of it landing on tails is 0.5 (or 50%) for each individual flip. This means that out of every 100 coin flips, we expect about 50 to land on tails, and about 50 to land on heads.

Based on this, we can use the concept of expected value to predict the number of times the coin will land on tails when flipped 24 times. The expected value is simply the average outcome we can expect to occur over a large number of trials.

In this case, we can calculate the expected value by multiplying the probability of getting tails on a single flip (0.5) by the number of total flips (24):

Expected value = Probability of tails * Number of flips
Expected value = 0.5 * 24 = 12

Therefore, the best prediction for the number of times the coin will land on tails when flipped 24 times is 12.