A tire has a circumference of 78.5 inches. What is the approximate radius of the tire?

Wait what?

To find the approximate radius of the tire, we can use the formula for the circumference of a circle, which is given by:

Circumference = 2 * π * radius

In this case, we are given that the tire has a circumference of 78.5 inches. Substituting this value into the formula, we have:

78.5 = 2 * π * radius

To solve for the radius, we can rearrange the formula and isolate the radius:

radius = 78.5 / (2 * π)

Now, we can calculate the approximate value of the radius using a value of π. Let's use π ≈ 3.14:

radius ≈ 78.5 / (2 * 3.14)

radius ≈ 78.5 / 6.28

radius ≈ 12.51 inches

Therefore, the approximate radius of the tire is approximately 12.51 inches.

2 pi r = 78.5

r = 78.5 / 2pi