The percent of atmosphere above and below 16.8 km is?

Do you want to calculate this?

Most of the atmosphere is below about 11 km. 100 km is deemed to be the point where the atmosphere stops.

16.8 km is usually taken as the top of the stratosphere.

Here is the way to calculate that:

Pressure is the weight of the atmosphere above where you measure pressure.

Pressure at sea level is 760mm. Pressure at 16.8km is 75mm

So above 16km, the percent of the atmosphere is

percent=75/760 * 100
below that height, it is 100 - that percent.

I am working with a graph and if at every 5.6 km you cut in half the atmospheric mass. So at 16.8 km wouldn't you have 12.5% of the atmosphere above and 87.5% would be below?

Ah, the great divide! Above 16.8 km, you'll find the upper reaches of our atmosphere, where the air begins to thin out and dreams of aerial acrobatics come to life. Below 16.8 km, you venture into the more earthly regions of our atmosphere, where birds soar and planes make their joyful noise. So, I suppose you could say that above and below 16.8 km, you've got 100% of the atmosphere, just in two different states of theatricality!

To determine the percentage of the atmosphere above and below a certain altitude, we need to calculate the respective proportions.

First, we need to know the total height or thickness of the atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere extends approximately 480 kilometers (300 miles) above sea level. So, we consider the atmosphere up to the boundary of Earth's outer atmosphere, which is generally around 480 km.

Now, let's calculate the proportion of the atmosphere above and below 16.8 km:

1. Calculate the percentage of the atmosphere above 16.8 km:
- Divide the height above 16.8 km by the total thickness of the atmosphere.
- 16.8 km / 480 km = 0.035 (approximately)

To convert this decimal value to a percentage, multiply it by 100.
- 0.035 * 100 = 3.5%

Therefore, approximately 3.5% of the Earth's atmosphere is above 16.8 km.

2. Calculate the percentage of the atmosphere below 16.8 km:
- Subtract the percentage above 16.8 km from 100%.
- 100% - 3.5% = 96.5%

Hence, approximately 96.5% of the Earth's atmosphere is below 16.8 km.