Produce a serene library scene with rows of neatly stacked books on wooden shelves, softly glowing desk lamps casting a warm glow on dark wooden tables, and a diverse group of people immersed in studying. To the side, show a Middle-Eastern man gesturing as if to ask a question and a Black woman deep in thought, responding. Additionally, include some elements such as a magnifying glass, a lit bulb and a question mark made of cloud hovering in the sky, to signify inquiry, idea and curiosity respectively, but no actual text.

Which option describes a research question?

A. a question that reveals where you can find information about a topic

B. a question that encourages the reader to find out more about the topic

C. a question placed in the conclusion of an essay to make the reader think

D. a question that identifies a topic that you want to learn more about

1. D or A question that identifies a topic that you want to learn more about.

2. Details and facts, Reliable.
3. C or To get a broader understanding of the topic.
4. A or Do paper bags cause less pollution than plastic bags?
love you all byyeeee, see ya later!

for the conducting research quick check

1) a question that identifies a topic that you want to learn more about
2) details and facts, reliable
3) to get a broader understanding of the topic
4) do paper bags cause less pollution that plastic bags?

1 is d (coming from anonymous 2)

2 is details and facts and reliable
3? working on it
4? working on it

1) a question that identifies a topic that you want to learn more about

2) details and facts, reliable
3) to get a broader understanding of the topic
4) do paper bags cause less pollution that plastic bags?
@anon and @baby yoda are 100% correct

thx bby yoda

plz help


ty bby yoda


Baby yoda is correct

baby yoda is correct