Read the passage. Which sentence from the text is an opinion that needs more support to be considered valid?

As a result, Southern plantations increased their production of cotton from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales. . ."
If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it.
"Because Whitney's invention made cotton harvesting easier, it allowed farmers in the South to increase production."
"Because of the increase in production, the farmers in South became even more dependent on cotton for revenue."

Which one does not have facts in it?

I believe it would be B( If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it.

It would be this answer because the rest have facts. Also, no one truly knows if knowing the effect of the cotton gin would have stopped Eli Whitney from creating it.

The sentence that is an opinion that needs more support to be considered valid is: "If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it."

To determine which sentence from the passage is an opinion that needs more support to be considered valid, we need to evaluate each statement.

First, let's analyze the sentences:
1. "As a result, Southern plantations increased their production of cotton from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales..."
2. "If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it."
3. "Because Whitney's invention made cotton harvesting easier, it allowed farmers in the South to increase production."
4. "Because of the increase in production, the farmers in the South became even more dependent on cotton for revenue."

Out of these four sentences, the sentence that is more of an opinion and needs further support to be considered valid is sentence number 2: "If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it."

This statement is an opinion because it presents a hypothetical scenario (If Whitney had known...). To validate this claim, we would need additional evidence, such as direct statements from Eli Whitney regarding his intentions. Currently, this sentence stands as an unsupported opinion without any substantial evidence.