my first paragraph of the evaluative essay:

"Daughter of Invention" by Julia Alvarez is a great example of how families struggle when they move to a totally new place. The main reason this story was such a big success was because of the use of character development. The story really brings out each character's feelings and how they change throughout the story.

this is just my intro the others i will give details on how they change and support them with evidence from the book. i will also post them up

please review this for me...if i need any change pleeease let me know!

i just realized i only have 3 sentences

is there anything i need to or can add?

What does your outline or plan for the rest of the paper include? Please post it. No need to fret over an intro for a paper that's not written yet!!

The titles of novels are underlined, not put into quotes.

Be more specific... the family immigrates form Santo Domingo to the US.
Who are the people in the family? Start sentences with the main idea in the sentence... ie Character development makes this book extremely interesting. Make your thesis statement specifically about the changes that develop.

thanks GuruBlue, i will do that

Writeacher, my plan just says: you'll write an evaluative essay offering you well-considered judgment on a piece of literature. this essay is not just an opinion though; you offer your evaluation and then support it with reasons and evidence to support your reasons

Your first paragraph serves as an introduction to your evaluative essay on "Daughter of Invention" by Julia Alvarez. Overall, the paragraph effectively highlights the main elements you plan to discuss in your subsequent paragraphs, which include the struggles families face when moving to a new place and the use of character development as a key factor in the story's success.

To improve the paragraph, consider adding a bit more context to introduce the story. You could briefly mention that "Daughter of Invention" is a short story about a family's experience of moving to a new country or describe the setting more specifically, depending on what details are relevant to your essay. Additionally, you might want to include a thesis statement that clearly states your main argument about the story's success and character development.

Here's a revised version of your paragraph:

"Daughter of Invention" by Julia Alvarez is a poignant short story that explores the challenges faced by families when they move to a completely unfamiliar place. Set against the backdrop of an immigrant experience, this story skillfully depicts the emotional journey of each character. Alvarez's masterful use of character development is what truly sets this story apart, allowing readers to witness the profound transformation of the characters as they navigate their new lives. By delving into the depths of their feelings and motivations, the story provides a compelling narrative that captivates its audience and makes it a worthwhile read.

Remember, the subsequent paragraphs should delve into specific examples from the book along with evidence and analysis to support your claims. Feel free to share those paragraphs for further feedback!