Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Which pencil should Edward use?
Edward is creating a new design for his latest assignment. He first uses a (5B, 3B, 3H) to create a rough sketch for the design. Once he is confident of the design he uses the (3B, 5H, 3H),retracing the drawing and making it darker.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu

To determine which pencil Edward should use for each step, let's review the options for each drop-down menu:

Step 1: Rough Sketch
- 5B
- 3B
- 3H

Step 2: Retracing and Darkening
- 3B
- 5H
- 3H

For the rough sketch, Edward would want to use a pencil that creates a darker and softer line to create a rough outline. Therefore, Edward should use the 5B pencil.

For retracing and darkening the drawing, Edward would want to use a pencil that creates a darker and harder line to make the drawing more defined and darker. Therefore, Edward should use the 3H pencil.

Here are the correct answers for each step:
- Step 1: 5B
- Step 2: 3H