James tossed a coin 20 times. The coin landed on heads 8 times and it landed on tails 12 times. What is the experimental probability for both sides of the coin.

To find the experimental probability for each side of the coin, you need to divide the number of times the coin landed on each side by the total number of tosses.

In this case, James tossed the coin 20 times, and it landed on heads 8 times and tails 12 times.

To find the experimental probability of heads:
Experimental probability = Number of times heads / Total number of tosses
Experimental probability of heads = 8 / 20 = 0.4

To find the experimental probability of tails:
Experimental probability = Number of times tails / Total number of tosses
Experimental probability of tails = 12 / 20 = 0.6

So, the experimental probability for heads is 0.4 or 40%, and the experimental probability for tails is 0.6 or 60%.